Exhibition "Du Menage a L’Art" Pays a Summer Visit to 2 Prominent French Brush Manufacturers: Brush Expert Reports

I had the privilege of attending the well-known brush exhibition entitled "Du Menage a L’Art" ("From Cleaning to Art") this summer which was sponsored and hosted by two local companies, Brosserie Brenet and Société Ouest Vendée Balais (SOVB), both based in the Niort area of France. 

This exhibition has a rich history having originally started in Paris in 2014 in celebration of the 150th Anniversary the Federation Francaise de la Brosserie (French Brushware Federation). So, what did I witness there? Well, the exhibition was a true celebration of brushes, an industry I have been a part of for many years. It was indeed remarkable! They had an extensive array of brushes, thoughtfully categorized by their intended use. It was a testament to the diversity within the brush-making field.

What struck me most were the displays of ancient brushes. Accompanying boards explained the historical methods of production and the fascinating evolution of brush-making techniques over time.

In a serene section of the exhibition, there were informative videos illustrating the intricate process of brush production. Some showcased brushes being crafted by hand, while others displayed the efficiency of modern machinery. Witnessing the transformation of raw materials into brushes was nothing short of captivating.

Remarkably, this exhibition was open to all, without any entrance fee. The diverse audience included locals, families on vacation, school children, local businesses and visitors from abroad. It was heartening to see the wide-reaching impact of the exhibition, as people from various walks of life marvelled at the precision of industrial brushes and the ingenuity behind brushes designed for specialized tasks.

The exhibition's educational aspect was paramount. It aimed to enlighten the public about the origins, manufacturing processes, and materials used in brush production. For instance, I learned that some brushes are crafted from bird feathers, specifically quills, which are excellent for scouring. Additionally, I discovered that vegetable fibers are highly prized for their durability in broom filaments and the softness they provide to some personal brushes. One remarkable innovation was a simple yet effective brush designed to aid a machine in neatly wrapping plastic around specifically shaped items, such as Babybel cheeses.

Additionally, strip/channel brushes were featured, each with a multitude of applications from providing stiff edges for oil rig door jams to serving as draught excluders for windows and doors, along with safety strip brushes, one of whose use would be at the edge of the moving stairs of escalators.

During my visit, I had the privilege of being guided by Izabel Kolon, the Director, and Francoise Brunet, the daughter of the CEO of Brosserie Brenet SA. They graciously explained how the exhibition had been adapted for the venue in Niort compared to its Paris counterpart.

The exhibition vividly portrayed the transformation within the brush and broom industry. Thanks to modern technology and manufacturing advancements, custom-made industrial and technical brushes have emerged, catering to an expanding range of applications. In conclusion, it is abundantly clear that while the methods of brush production have evolved significantly, the importance of brushes in our daily lives remains undiminished. Nothing quite matches the efficiency of a well-crafted brush; it's merely a matter of selecting the appropriate one for the task at hand.

I hold hope that this invaluable exhibition continues to tour not only across the regions of France but also throughout Europe, serving as a powerful reminder of the importance of this seemingly simple yet indispensable tool.

Furthermore, it is noteworthy that two significant celebrations were held within the exhibition's premises. Firstly, it marked the remarkable 125th anniversary of brush manufacturing by Brosserie Brenet SA, a milestone to be commended. Secondly, it heralded the establishment of the new Association des Brossiers Français, uniting French brush manufacturers, suppliers and machine makers. This marks a new chapter in the industry's history, and we look forward to sharing further developments with you as they become available.

Josie Wadd - Brush Expert Ltd
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