ABMA Adds Another Year of Solid Financial Performance
The ABMA Board of Directors recently approved the 2015
audit, which showed the association had a strong result in 2015. Association
Treasurer, Scott Enchelmaier, reported at the annual convention that ABMA
finished 2015 with a profit of $ 27,997. The profit came from the convention
$8,042, general operations 20,926, and100th anniversary funds ($971) that were
reported in 2015.
"The positive results are due primarily from strong
membership and great attendance at the 2015 annual convention." Enchelmaier reported.
ABMA President Mark Fultz thanked all of the ABMA members
for their continued support of the association. "It is great to a part of
a vibrant and financially sound organization as we head toward our 100th
anniversary in 2017", Fultz said